Reference Implementation Operator for API CRD’s using a wso2 API Gateway

This operator requires Kubernetes v1.14 or greater (the REST API endpoint changed from v1.13 to v1.14). The API operator takes the meta-data described in the CRD and uses it to configure the wso2 API gateway.

The apr-crd-sample.yaml file shows what the wso2 is expecting. This sample references a configmap that embeds the swagger for the api. The sample configmap can be generated using configmap-swagger-sample.yaml.

The process to create the wso2 Custom Resource definitions is as follows:

  1. Create a ConfigMap resource containing the swagger for the API. For the next-productcatalog, the swagger is at http://next-pc:8191/ca talogManagement/v3/api-docs.

  2. Add additional attributes to the swagger:

    x-wso2-basePath: /catalogManagement
        - http://next-pc:8191/catalogManagement  
  1. Create the Custom Resource.


The actual API Gateway is built into a single docker image together with the OPA-Component operator. See the /controlers/ file for details.

Demo video

There is a demo of wso2 at