ODA Canvas - use-case library

This use-case library defines the interactions between a generic ODA Component and the ODA Canvas. The ODA Canvas provides access to a range of common services (for identity management, authentication, observability etc) and has a set of Software Operators that automatically configure these services based on requirements defined in the ODA Component YAML specification.

Software Operators are a key concept in the ODA Canvas. For more information, see the 2016 CoreOS blog post that introduced the concept: Introducing Operators: Putting Operational Knowledge into Software. There is a good definition of software operators at: operatorhub.io/what-is-an-operator.

The ODA canvas is itself a modular and extensible platform. The list below shows the operators that appear in the Canvas use-case inventory. The ODA-Component Accelerator is building a reference implementation of an ODA Canvas with a range of operators that are open-source and freely available for organizations to re-use, extend or replace with their own implementations. We expect a typical production implementation will use a combination of standard operators and custom operators that can implement that organizations specific operational policies.

ODA Software Operators

This is a list of the Canvas operators (including status of whether this has been tested in the Canvas referernce implementation).

Operator Description
Component Management The Component operator manages the de-composition of an ODA component into APIs and Events (that are processed by their corresponding operators).
API Exposure Configures the Service Providers API Gateway and/or Service Mesh to provide security, throttling and other non-functional services to allow API endpoints to be exposed to external consumers
API Discovery Provides discovery for APIs where a component has declared a dependency. Internally it uses the Service Providers discovery capabilities to identify and give access to the appropriate API to fill a dependency. The component us updated via a ServiceActivationConfiguration Open-API call
License Manager Audits compliance of component usage against licensing agreements
Identity Provides identity management to grant system and user access to components.
Observability Captures observability data and allows alarming, tracing and root-cause analysis of issues.
Event Hub Enables components to publish and subscribe to asynchronous events